B. Washington for President 1. George Washington is elected by the Electoral college in 1789
C.The Bill of Rights 1. Bill of Rights is created- contain most precious American principles
D. Hamilton revives a Corpse of Public Credit 1. Hamilton creates a plan to rid U.S. of its debt
E. Customs Duties and Excise Tax 1. Hamilton creates an excise tax
F. Hamilton Battles Jefferson for a Bank 1. Hamilton believes in a federal bank 2. Jefferson believe in bank controlled by the states 3. Hamilton bank is established
G. Mutinous Moonshiners in Pennsylvania 1. The Whiskey Rebellion
H. The Impact of the French Revolution 1. Jeffersonian Democratic Republicans 2. Hamilton's Federalists 3. French Revolution
I. Washington's Neutrality Proclamation 1. Neutrality Proclamtion a. went against Franco-Ameican alliance of 1778 2. Hamilton supports neutrality 3. Jefferson supports Franco-American alliance
J. Jays Treaty and Washington's Farewell 1. Chief Justice John Jay is sent to London - Jay Treaty
K. John Adams as President 1. John Adams and Jefferson run for presidency a. Adams becomes president
L. Unofficial Fighting with France 1. France retaliate on American ships 2. Adams envoys are sent to France (X,Y, and Z) 3. U.S. Marine Corps is reestablished
M. Adams Puts Patriotism Above Party 1. Convention of 1800 is signed by Paris 2. broke France and America's alliance of 22 years
N. The Federalist Witch Hunt 1. Two additional Alien Laws are created 2. Sedition Act a. went against First Amendment
O. The Virginia (Madison) and Kentucky (Jefferson) Resolutions 1. Kentucky Resolution resulted in the nullification of the Alien and Sedition Acts
P. Federalist versus Democratic-Republican 1. Federalists and Democratic-Republicans disagreed in how the governemnt should be