III. Kansas in Convulsion -John Brown retaliated, hacking 5 pro slavery southerners to death -Later hanged for his crimes -Lecompton Constitution -Constitution would pass with or without slavery -If passed without slavery, then those slave owners already in Kansas would be protected -Free soilers boycotted polls, allowing Lecompton Constitution to pass with slavery -James Buchanan, the new president supported the Lecompton Constitution -Stephen Douglas, however, fought for a vote on the constitution as a whole, throwing away Southern support
IV. "Bully" Brooks and His Bludgeon -In Congress, Charles Sumner condemned slavery and the constitution -Preston Brooks proceeded to beat Sumner for his remarks
V. "Old Buck" versus "The Pathfinder" -James Buchanan nominated by the Democrats in 1856 -John C. Fredmont nominated by the Republicans -The new American Party (Know-Nothings) nominated Millard Fillmore -Campaign focused on discrediting other candidates
VI. The Electoral Fruits of 1856 -Buchanan won because Fredmont's reputation was damaged due to rumors that he was Catholic
VII. The Dred Scott Bombshell -On March 6, 1857 Supreme Court ruled on the Dred Scott case -Supreme Court overruled Missouri Supreme Court's decision, stating that Dred Scott was still a slave even after living in free territory -Because Dred Scott was not even a citizen, he had no right to appeal to the Supreme Court -Also said that the Missouri Compromise had been illegal in the first place, because Congress couldn't ban territory -Led to more tension between North and South
VIII. The Financial Crash of 1857 -Caused by inflation and extra grain that had nowhere to go -Raised Southern ego, because it didn't affect South or cotton
IX. An Illinois Rail-Splitter Emerges -Abraham Lincoln decided to run against Stephen Douglas for Senator -Lincoln decided to debate Douglas
X. The Great Debate: Lincoln versus Douglas -Most famous debate in Freeport, IL, where Douglas gave his Freeport Doctorine, stating the people had more power than Congress -Set Lincoln up for the presidency even though he lost
XI. John Brown: Murderer or Martyr? -John Brown organized a raid of Harper's Ferry, VA involving freed slaves -Caught and hanged for treason -Instantly became a martyr for the abolitionist cause
XII. The Disruption of the Democrats -Democrats split into North and South -Northern Democrats nominated Stephen Douglas -Southern Democrats nominated John C. Breckinridge -Know-Nothings nominated John Bell
XIII. A Rail-Splitter Splits the Union -Republicans nominated Abraham Lincoln, with a platform for every non Southern group -Southerners threatened to secede if Lincoln was elected -Lincoln won even though he wasn't on Southern ballots
XIV. The Electoral Upheaval of 1860 -Although the Republicans were outnumbered in Congress and the Supreme Court, the South carried through with their threat
XV. The Secessionist Exodus -SC seceded first in December of 1860 -AL, MS, FL, GA, LA, and TX soon followed -These 7 states met in Mongomery, AL to form the Confederate States of America -Jefferson Davis elected president -Buchanan, still in office, did nothing to stop them
XVI. The Collapse of Compromise -The Crittenden Compromise sought to bring the South back, but it was opposed by Lincoln because it promoted extension of slavery into the territories
XVII. Farewell to Union -The South feared their slaveholding rights were in danger -Did not think that the Union would fight to get them back