I. France is a late comer in grabbing New World land, but when it finally settles, powerful nations are developed, such as Canada, (New France).
A. France is a late comer in grabbing New World land. 1.) strife and clashes develop between Roman Catholics and Protestant Huguenots. 2.) Edict of Nantes ceased religious wars as France blossoms 3.) Jamestown is founded, vast empire develops in Quebec 4.) New France develops
New France Fans Out
II. The beaver provides French settlements with prosperous fur trading businesses. The French have a shattering effect on their Indian neighbors, and create conflict with the hungry Spanish empire.
A. The beaver provides New France with a prosperous fur trading business 1.) French recruit Indians into the fur business 2.) drawbacks -> recruited Indians are decimated by disease and are religiously violated by having to kill beavers 3.) the beaver population is almost extinguished, ecological damage
B. Jesuits labor to save the Indians "for Christ and from the fur-trappers" 1.) suffer tortures at the hand of the Indians 2.) made some permanent converts 3.) vital role as explorers and geographers
C. Spanish penetrate to form empires 1.) French makes efforts to block Spain on the Gulf of Mexico 2.) French establish forts and trading posts
The Clash of Empires
III. Many war break out of territory. British/French conflict begins, and so does colonial Americans want for independence.
A. King William's War and Queen Anne's War 1.) British/French conflicts who recruit Indians as allies 2.) "primitive" guerrilla warfare 3.) peace signed in Utrecht, British gain Acadia and Newfoundland and Hudson Bay 4.) peace provides American colonies with "salutary neglect" 5.) British wins trading rights
B. The War of Jenkin's Ear 1739 1.) British/Spanish War 2.) James Oglethorpe fights for Spanish foe
C. War of Austrian Succession in Europe (King George's War) 1.) France allies with Spain 2.) NE raids New France, capturing Louisbourg 3.) Treaty of 1748 hands Louisbourg to France 4.) France clings to "its vast holdings in North America"
George Washington Inaugurates War with France
IV. The beginnings of war are starting to take place between the French and the British when the Ohio Valley is in demand and George Washington fires the first shot of the Revolutionary war.
A. Ohio Valley 1.) British colonies inevitably penetrate 2.) France is the key continent that they had to retain 3.) rivalry creates war, French have a chain of forts 4.) George Washington is lieutenant of the colonial militia men 5.) Washington fires the 1st shot, killing French leaders, as the French surround Fort Necessity, George Washington surrenders 6.) British uproot French Acadians in 1755, who scatter to Louisiana
Global War and Colonial Disunity
V. French and Indian War and Seven Years' War take place. This creates colonial disunity as an Albany Congress assembles and Benjamin Franklin publishes his PA Gazette cartoon.
A. French and Indian War (4th Anglo-French War) 1.) The Seven Years' War spouts from this
B. Frederick "the Great" repels French, Austrian, and Russian enemies 1.) "America was conquered in Germany"
C. Colonial disunity 1.) 1754 British government holds an intercolonial congress in Albany, NY 2.) Benjamin Franklin publishes PA Gazette "Join or Die" cartoon 3.) Franklin is a leading spirit of the Albany Congress
Braddock's Blundering and Its Aftermath
VI. Undeclared war is put on America when the British invade Canada after General Braddock is defeated and the Indians scorch the PA to NC frontier
A. General Braddock 1.) carries heavy artillery, methods of killing Indians and their land 2.) sides with Washington but is mortally wounded in war
B. Indians search frontier which Washington tries to defend
C. British invade Canada in 1756 1.) ignore strategy of throwing strength at Quebec and Montreal and are defeated
Pitt's Palms of Victory
VII. Quebec and Montreal fall to the British and their strong/effective leaders. As a result, Britain becomes a dominant power in North America and naval power of the world.
A. William Pitt 1.) leader in London government 2.) assaults on French West Indies 3.) expedition against Louisbourg in 1758/ falls after the siege, British victory 4.) Wolfe pairs with Pitt and Quebec surrenders as the French are defeated 5.) Battle of Quebec is one of the most significant battles in British/American history
B. Montreal falls in 1760 1.) French power is thrown off the continent of North America 2.) French retain small sugar islands and fishing stations 3.) French cede all "trans-Mississippi , Louisiana, and New Orleans" to Spanish allies who turn Florida over to Britain for Cuba
C. Great Britain is the dominant naval power of the world at this time
Restless Colonists
VIII. Friction between the British and its' American colonies becomes more prominent. Intercolonial disunity begins to "melt" as the French and Indian War ends.
A. British military strength 1.) French and Indian War boosts self-esteem and shatters "invincibility " myth
B. Friction between American militia and British officers during the war 1.) colonists reluctance to support the "common cause" 2.) American shippers develop "golden traffic" with Spain and French West Indies enemies 3.) British forbade export of supplies to New World in the last year of the war 4.) colonists demand rights of Englishmen 5.) intercolonial disunity continues 6.) however, barriers of disunity "melt" over campfires and council tables during the war when fellow Americans agree and share common ideals
War's Fateful Aftermath
IX. Seven Years' War is ended and a spirit of independence is present in the colonists. Pontiac is defeated in biological warfare (Proclamation of 1763). The stage is set for British/American quarrel.
A. New spirit of independence for Americans
B. History of United States begins with the fall of Quebec and Montreal
C. Treaty of Paris ends the Seven Years' War for the Indians as the Indians use powerful "diplomatic weapons"
D. Pontiac attempts to drive off British in the Ohio Valley 1.) biological warfare on the Indians after Detroit is besieged
E. Americans spread over the Appalachians
F. London government -> Proclamation of 1763 is designed to prevent a bloody uprising again, like the Pontiacs
G. Seven Years' War causes colonists to have a new vision of their destiny 1.) British are egotistical about their victories and are annoyed with their unruly colonists 2.) stage is set for quarrel