The Accession of "Tyler Too" -Henry Clay and Daniel Webster want to control the newly elected president Willian H. Harrison, but he died from pneumonia.
President Without a Party -John Tyler becomes president=whig party but democrat at heart
War of Words with England -WAR OF WORDS with Britain -Caroline burned by the British -Creole captured by runaway slaves
Manipulating the Maine Maps -Ashburton-Wbster Treaty -adjusted the U.S. Canadian border in Maine and Minnesota (Mesabie iron ore)
The Lone Star of Texas Shines Alone -Texas -signs treaty with France, Holand, and Belgium -could not annex Texas without war with Mexico
The Belated Texas Nuptials -becomes 28th state -Candidates Henry Clay=Whig James K. Polk=Democrat -James K. Polk 1844 election winner
Oregon Fever Populates Oregon -England and U.S. has claims to Oregon but they co-exist peacefully -Columbia River=England claims but Americans settle there in vast numbers
A Mandate (?) for Manifest Destiny -Manifest Destiny -John O' Sullivan -Clay looses election because hes says two things at one
Polk the Purposeful -lowered tariffs -restored independent treasury -acquired Oregon with the northern border of the 49th parrallel
Misunderstands with Mexico -Sent John Slidell to buy California for $25 million dolllars=rejected -Texas boundary is Rio Grande and Polk defends
American Blood on American (?) Soil -Zachary Taylor and 4,000 men march from Nueces River to Rio Grande -The "blood shed" "spooty Lincoln"
The Mastering of Mexico -Santa Anna -Mexican-American War -Stephen W. Kearny -John C. Fremont -Bear Flag Republic
Fighting Mexico for Peace -Nicholas Trist -Treaty of Guadlaupe Hidalgo -John C. Calhoun
Profit and Loss in Mexico -Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant+future expiernce for Civil War -Other losses and Profits -David Wilmot=Wilmot Proviso=shot down