I. From 170-1775 there is a growth in population due to the immigrants and fertility of the colonists. This creates political consequences.
A. "Lusty" population growth. 1.) 2.5 million people in the 13 colonies 2.) Blacks account for most of the population 3.) Fertility of Americans
B. Population causes political problems -> shifts in power.
C. Most populous colonies as VA, MA, PN, NC, MD.
A Mingling of the Races
II. The dense population of Americans is ethnically diverse, which creates problems, but also helps form a diverse nation, rich with culture.
A. Population is a melting pot (many foreign groups) 1.) Germans flee to America for freedom of religion and economy 2.) enhanced religious diversity in PN
B. Germans cling to their customs/industry/prosperity
C. Scots/Irish went back to Ireand over decades. Did not prosper, economic life is "hampered" 1.) abandon Ireland came to America in PN 2.) illegally take land 3.) brought secrets of whiskey distilling/no love for British government 4.) protested Quakers oligarchy's policy toward Indians (march of Paxton Boys)
D. European groups settle/largest is African group (concentrated in the South) 1.) South -> black and white racial composition 2.) NE -> least ethnic diversity 3.) middle colonies -> white immigrants
E. Milti-cultured identity (slave trade mixes people)
The Structure of Colonial Society
III. America is on the eve of Revolution. Despite all its' equality and opportuinty, the "Europeanization" of America and fear of a black slave rebellion disrupts the peace.
A. Equality and opportuinty (except for slavery) 1.) most whites were farmers 2.) skilled artisans, shop keepers, trades people, unskilled day laborers 3.) openess of social ladder
B. Eve of Revolution "Europeanization" of America 1.) merchant princes in NE and middle colonies 2.) military suppliers had imported clothing and dined fancy 3.) class of widows/orphans 4.) size of farm shrinks (wage laborers) 5.) South -> wealth of slaves in slave owners hands widens gap 6.) lower class ranks swell (indentured servants) 7.) capital crimes (riff-raff crowd) against king's government 8.) black slaves (fear of rebellion) 9.) Thomas Jefferson makes an early draft of the Declaration fo Independence, further reveals issue of slavery
Clerics, Physicians, and Jurists
IV. As Christian ministry remains the most popular prosfession in colonial America, poorly trained physicians fail at dealing with epidemics as thousands die. The law profession is disregarded.
A. Christian ministry (highest prestige)
B. Poorly trained physicians 1.) 1765 1st mdeical school is established 2.) epidemic helps prepare for religious revival 3.) epidemic is a killer taking the lives of thousands with disease
C. Lawyers regarded as "windbags" 1.) treated with no respect, for example John Adams
Workaday America
V. The American colonies leading industries are agriculture, fishing, commerce, manufacturing, and naval stores. A secure Atlantic economy is present at this time.
A. Agriculture 1.) Tobacco is still the staple, now flour is produced in thousands of barrels each year
B. Fishing and whaling is rewarding and a major industry, alongside shipbuilding
C. Enriched colonies because of excellent commerce and traders
D. Manufacturing is only of secondary importance 1.) enterprises 2.) skilled craftspeople are scarce 3.) lumbering is most important (shipbuilding)
E. Atlantic economy 1.) Americans demand more British products 2.) trade imbalance 3.) tobacco -> France and other European countries 4.) trade with West Indies and French Islands 5.) Parliament passes the Molasses Act, which aimes to squelch North American trade with France and the West Indies 6.) bribing and smuggling become prominent issues
Horsepower and Sailpower
VI. America suffers with transportation problems, and finally develops roads in the 1700s. Taverns, as well as postal systems form, as well as foundations of many modern day jobs.
A. Transportation problems, scarce in money and workers 1.) 1700s roads connect cities 2.) roads are "clouds of dust" and mud 3.) reliance on waterways, clusters along banks of rivers
B. Taverns develop 1.) bowling alleys, pool tables, bars, gambling 2.) gossip and ailhouses are outlets for political conversation
C. Postal system established in mid-1700s 1.) slow service, bad secrecy, long routes
Dominant Denominations
VII. Anglican and Congretional churches develop. Rebellion sparks as the eve of the Revolition brings more changes in religion. In general, people are free to worship as they please.
A. Anglican and Congretional churches 1.) Church of England is official religion in GA, NC, SC, VA, MD, NY 2.) Anglican chruch is less "fierce" and more worldly than Puritanical New England 3.) college of William and Mary is founded to train better "class of clerics" for the dismal Anglican church 4.) Congretional Church develops from the Puritan Church and Congretionalism is made official in some colonies 5.) ministers are against the British crown 6.) Congretionalism/Prebyterianism rebellion against Angilican clergymen and the king 7.) talk of bishopric for Anglicans is violently opposed
B. Discrimination of Roman Catholics 1.) fewer Catholics in America 2.) in general people can worship as they please
The Great Awakening
VIII. The Great Awakening introduces two outstanding preachers and creates a lasting effect on America and religion. It is the first mass movement of Americans.
A. Religion is less "fervid" 1.) Puritan churches sag 2.) liberal ideas challenged old religion 3.) Jacobus Arminius
B. Great Awakening 1.) Jonathan Edwards preaches salvation through good wishes 2.) George Whitefield revolutionizes spiritual life of colonists 3.) Congretionalists and Presbyterians are split over the Great Awakening
Schools and Colleges
IX. Education in America is aminly for males. Colleges and schools do develop poorly as independence is discouraged and only religion and language are taught. Benjamin Franklin makes an attempt at changing this.
A. Education 1.) Puritans in NE are interested in education and stress the need for Bible reading 2.) clergy wants to make good Christians, not good citizens 3.) small local colleges and primary and secondary schools develop but have poor instruction 4.) Benjamin Franklin plays a major role in launching the University of PN free of "denominational" control
A Provincial Culture
X. Art and culture are at first discouraged in America as Europenas are the main source of art for Americans. Benjamin Franklin is a major influence on literature and science.
A. European tastes 1.) art is discouraged so are patrons of it 2.) abroad was the only way one could practice art skills
B. Imported architecture from the Old World
C. Undistinguished colonial literature
D. Benjamin Franklins creates Poor Richard's Almanack which shapes the American character
E. Science makes its' way along as Franklin conducts a kite flying experiment and bifocals and stove
Pioneer Presses
XI. People in America were too poor and busy to buy and read books. Then the newspaper was developed as well as freedom of the press.
A. Too poor for books, too busy to read them 1.) Franklin establishes the first library in PA
B. Printing presses, newspapers develop 1.) freedom of the press/health of democracy 2.) public discussion/diversity
The Great Game of Politics
XII. America makes noteworthy contributions to political science and is more democratic than England and the European continent.
A. Political science 1.) two-house legislative bodies in the colonies 2.) upper/lower houses and kig appoints governers 3.) colonial assemblies and varied administration and voting requirements 4.) tolerance, educational advantages, equality of economic opportunity, freedom of speech, press, assembly and representative government, all develop
Colonial Folkways
XIII. America's everyday life is "drab and tedious." America is simliar to Britain economicaly, socially, and politically. America struggles to unite as an independent people.
A. "Drab and tedious" everyday life 1.) food was plentiful but basic comforts were lacking 2.) amusement and winter sports were present as well as dancing 3.) holidays are founded and celebrated
B. British/American customs are similar 1.) English speaking/customs 2.) Protestant religion and toleration 3.) enterprosing and self-government 4.) communication and trasportation 5.) colonists struggle to unite as an independent people