The Liberal Republicans nominated Horace Greeley, a brilliant yet erratic nominee for Presidency.Greeley proved to be a weak candidate and President Grant went for a second term as he easily beat Greeley in both the electoral and popular votes.
In 1872 the Republican Congress passed a general amnesty act, removing political disabilities from all but some five hundred confederate leaders. Congress also moved to reduce civil war tariffs and some civil-service reform.
Depression, Deflation, and Inflation
An Economic crash broke about in 1873 which was caused by overwhelming markets,stocks, and enterprises that could not be handeld. Businesses went bankrupt and the stock market yet again crashed. A depression broke out.
The Resumption Act of 1875 which pledged the government to the further withdrawal of greenbacks from circulation and to the redemption of all paper currency in gold to face value begining in 1879. Silver came about as a "sacred white metal".
The hard money policy heped to create a Democratic House of Representatives in 1874 and in 1878 it spawned a Greenback Labor party.
Pallid Politics in the Gilded Age
The Political power between the political groups were basically balanced. There wern;t as much economic differernces.
Patronage was the life blood of both politcal parties it brought in jobs for the return of votes. A "stalwart faction" led by Lord Roscoe embraced the time honored system of swapping civil-service jobs for votes.
The Hayes-Tilden Standoff, 1876
Grant was pleaded to "Grant us a third term" but the old man was denied a third term by the house vote of 233 to 18 and President Grant was out of the running for Presidency
The Republicans nominated Rutherford B. Hayes and the Demcrates nominated Samuel J. Tilden the man who put Tweed behind bars.
There was one problem to who would become the next president. " Who would count the votes without leaning to one politcal side". If a republican counted it the republicans would win if Democrats counted it the Democrats would win
The Compromise of 1877 and the End of Reconstruction
Due to the danger that there was not going to be a president on March 4, 1877. The Electoral Count of 1877 took place. it set up an electoral commission consisting of fifteen men selected from the Senate, The House, and the Supreme Court. The Composition of the Electoral Commission in 1877 made it clear the Hayes might take office.
The Civil Rights Act of 1875 was taken into consideration by the political parties.
The Birth of Jim Crow in the Post-Reconstruction South
The White Democrats resumed power in the south and enforced it ruthelessly. Blacks faced unemployment, eviction, and physical harm such as lynching. The Jim Crow Laws was enforced as a legal form of segregation of whites from blacks. Daily discrimination was rienforced with the political power back in the whites favor. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the whites when they declared segregation was legal as long as it was sepreate but equal facilities.
Class Conflicts and Ethnic Clashes
In the year of 1877 marked the end of reconstruction as the curtains fell to a following panic of 1873.
With the Gold Rush hapening in California alot of cultures like the Chinese came to America searching for money and a new begining. alot of immigrants seemed to have been taking jobs however and in 1882 Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act which prohibited all further immigration from China the doors would stay shut to the Chinese for a long time.
Also the Supreme court ruled in the case of U.S. vs Wongin 1898 that the Fourteenth Amendment guarenteed citizenship to all persons born in the United States.
Garfield and Arthur
In the Presedential Campaign of 1880 Rutherford Hayes was casted over by a promising James A. Garfield from the electorally powerful state of Ohio. However in a short time coming Garfield was shot in the back and assassinated by Charles J. Guiteau, 11 weeks later he died.
Chestur A. Arthur got promote from Vice President to The President
The Pendleton Act of 1883 came about which made contributions to the federal employees illegal and it established the Civil Service Commisions to make appointments to federal jobs under right qualifications.
The Blaine-Cleveland Mudslingers of 1884
Grover Cleveland becomes next president of the United States
The campagin of 1884 had some scandals against Grover with the "i want my pa" which aimed at Grover love life .
"Old Grover" Takes Over
Grover took over the Presidency. Began a battle to lower tarriffs and military pensions, etc.
Cleveland Battles for a Lower Tariff
Cleveland battled for a lower tarriff and tried to break down the surplus of the tariffs before.
The Billion-Dollar Congress
This was the first time congress recieved ovrer a billion in tax revenues
They needed a way to lower such revenue and passed the Mckinly tarriff.
The Drumbeat of Discontent
The Popular party wanted to be heard and not discontened. They demanded inflation and to gold ounces. they became the first party to braek the electoral column
Cleveland and Depression
He borrowed money from Jp Morgan to help stablize the money and currency flowwwing even though it angered many people
Cleveland breeds a backlash
plessy v ferguson legtimiezes "separate but equal doctrine"